Admiral Ackbar. (Vintage Admiral Ackbar, Vintage Han Solo Bespin Outfit, Vintage Princess Leia Bespin Gown)
Admiral Ackbar. (Vintage Admiral Ackbar, Vintage Han Solo Bespin Outfit, Vintage Princess Leia Bespin Gown)
How He Got There. (POTF2 Jawas, Vintage C-3PO)
Of course we know every detail concerning R2-D2’s royal zapping by a stealth band of Jawas. But what indignities did C-3PO suffer during his arrest? Whatever the case, it’s unlikely there was much struggle.
Well Into The Black (Death Star Gunner, Death Star Trooper, Darth Vader with Removable Helmet)
Mining. (Vintage Ugnaughts)
Yoda. (Vintage Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues), Vintage Yoda The Jedi Master)
Trio in Chrome. (Death Star Droids)
Palace, Morning. (Hammerhead, 8D8, Lando Calrissian Skiff Guard Disguise)
Untitled 4. (Vintage Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot, Vintage R2-D2)
Escort Service. (Vintage TIE Fighter Pilot, Vintage Stormtroopers)
Exiting. (Vintage C-3PO, Vintage Princess Leia Organa, Vintage Han Solo)