Wired for Evil.

Wired for Evil. (Vintage 8D8)

Wired for Evil. (Vintage 8D8)

OK, this guy’s good. 8D8 is not only a droid that’s bent on torture. He’s a droid that’s bent on torturing other droids! I’m sorry, it just doesn’t get any colder than that. The 8D8 action figure, with a vaguely skeleton form and an icy white stare, pays fine tribute to the Return of The Jedi character of the same name and wicked ways in general.

j j j

The Captive.

The Captive. (Saga AT-AT Driver, Saga Han Solo (Hoth Rescue))

The Captive. (Saga AT-AT Driver, Saga Han Solo (Hoth Rescue))

Ever on the run, the rebel band in the Star Wars trilogy typically went with a blast and scamper approach to confronting the enemy. But what if they’d had a strict policy of taking prisoners of war? Total drag!

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Rancor Keeper.

Rancor Keeper. (Vintage Gamorrean Guard, Vintage Rancor Keeper)

Rancor Keeper. (Vintage Gamorrean Guard, Vintage Rancor Keeper)

The vintage Rancor Keeper action figure is a genuine slice of Star Wars goodness. But I have to say that the sculpt they came up with resembles more of an early-career Peter Boyle than the grubby bruiser (Paul Brooke) that was on screen in Return of the Jedi. Maybe it’s for the best, eh?

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Bad Robot(s)!

Bad Robot(s)! (Vintage Zuckuss, Vintage Stormtroopers, Vintage IG-88)

Bad Robot(s)! (Vintage Zuckuss, Vintage Stormtroopers, Vintage IG-88)

The vintage Zuckuss action figure is just mired in intrigue. It appears that operatives at the Kenner factory botched their intel and named the 4-LOM action figure ‘Zuckuss’ (while naturally naming the Zuckuss action figure ‘4-LOM’). Would the ill-tempered Lord Vader be pissed if he’d caught wind of this mess? You bet your ass. Did anyone in Cincinnati lose their job over it? Well I doubt it.

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Red. (Vintage Walrus Man, Vintage Greedo, Vintage Snaggletooth)

Red. (Vintage Walrus Man, Vintage Greedo, Vintage Snaggletooth)

Given the mania surrounding the blue Snaggletooth action figure, the more prevalent red version is often overlooked. To my eyes he’s up there with the best of the vintage lot, and definitely one of my childhood favorites.

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Imperial Gunner.

Imperial Gunner. (Vintage Emperor's Royal Guards, Vintage Imperial Gunner)

Imperial Gunner. (Vintage Emperor's Royal Guards, Vintage Imperial Gunner)

The Imperial Gunner was somehow passed over in the production line until 1984 or 1985 when Kenner finally released him post-Return of the Jedi. Considering the masked gunner’s abundant (and awesome) screen time in the original 1977 Star Wars film, it’s hard to believe they didn’t package him sooner.

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Ice Men Cometh.

Ice Men Cometh. (Vintage AT-AT Driver, Vintage AT-AT Commander, Vintage Imperial Stormtroopers (Hoth Battle Gear))

Ice Men Cometh. (Vintage AT-AT Driver, Vintage AT-AT Commander, Vintage Snowtroopers ~ Imperial Stormtroopers (Hoth Battle Gear))

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I, Defect.

I, Defect. (Vintage Yak Face, Vintage Ree-Yees)

I, Defect. (Vintage Yak Face, Vintage Ree-Yees)

I guess it’s well established that if you’re not lucky enough to have been born human on planet Tatooine, then you are likely really effing strange looking.

Two cases in point: Jabba’s drinking buddies Yak Face and Ree-Yees.

Now no one can contest that these creeps were both turned into great Star Wars action figures. But if pressed to choose I’d say that vintage Ree-Yees is the stronger effort. Color palate, sculpt detail, weapon (ooh – gold!)… all of it stacks up higher with li’l three eyes. So it’s astounding to me that the vintage POTF Yak Face figure remains one of the hottest vintage buys, typically trading at 20 times the dollar amount of the vintage Ree-Yees action figure. There’s rumor that the Yak Face is scarce in number, packaged only in Canada, etc. Yeah, that may be so. But 20 times the dough? Collectors are a spirited lot to be sure.

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