I, Defect. (Vintage Yak Face, Vintage Ree-Yees)
I guess it’s well established that if you’re not lucky enough to have been born human on planet Tatooine, then you are likely really effing strange looking.
Two cases in point: Jabba’s drinking buddies Yak Face and Ree-Yees.
Now no one can contest that these creeps were both turned into great Star Wars action figures. But if pressed to choose I’d say that vintage Ree-Yees is the stronger effort. Color palate, sculpt detail, weapon (ooh – gold!)… all of it stacks up higher with li’l three eyes. So it’s astounding to me that the vintage POTF Yak Face figure remains one of the hottest vintage buys, typically trading at 20 times the dollar amount of the vintage Ree-Yees action figure. There’s rumor that the Yak Face is scarce in number, packaged only in Canada, etc. Yeah, that may be so. But 20 times the dough? Collectors are a spirited lot to be sure.