Under Twin Suns. (Gonk Droid, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker)
Under Twin Suns. (Gonk Droid, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker)
The Deal. (Ralph McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett and POTF2 Darth Vader)
Untitled. (Vintage Leia Organa Boushh Disguise, Vintage Bib Fortuna, Vintage IG-88)
Chewbacca. (Greedo, Han Solo, Chewbacca)
Droids #1. (Vintage C-3PO and Vintage Death Star Droid)
The Visitor. (Vintage Biker Scouts and Vintage Wicket W. Warrick)
Pilots. (Bespin Han Solo and General Lando Calrissian)
Untitled. (Boba Fett, CZ-4 Droid, and Death Star Trooper.)