General McQuarrie. (TAC General Mcquarrie Rebel Officer, Vintage 2-1B)
Yes it could, but not by much.
General McQuarrie. (TAC General Mcquarrie Rebel Officer, Vintage 2-1B)
Yes it could, but not by much.
Princess Leia. (Vintage Princess Leia, Star Wars Saga Rebel Trooper (Tantive IV Defender))
Mos Eisley Three. (Vintage Obi Wan Kenobi, Vintage Chewbacca, Vintage Han Solo)
In early 1978 a dozen Star Wars action figures standing at a mighty 3.75″ hit suburban malls across the United States. These three — Ben (Obi Wan) Kenobi, Chewbacca, and Han Solo — were among that posse that led the way. Mind you I was only 7 years old at the time. Still, when I first caught wind of these little guys it felt like 40 years lost in the desert had finally come to an end. Salvation had arrived at $1.99 a pop.
Into The Woods. (Vintage Biker Scouts, Vintage AT-ST Driver)
Night Rally. (Vintage Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight, Vintage C-3PO)
The Emperor. (The Emperor, Emperor's Royal Guard)
Triple Witching. (POTF2 Boba Fett, Ralph McQuarrie Concept Boba Fett, Vintage Boba Fett)
Admiral Ackbar. (Vintage Admiral Ackbar, Vintage Han Solo Bespin Outfit, Vintage Princess Leia Bespin Gown)
How He Got There. (POTF2 Jawas, Vintage C-3PO)
Of course we know every detail concerning R2-D2’s royal zapping by a stealth band of Jawas. But what indignities did C-3PO suffer during his arrest? Whatever the case, it’s unlikely there was much struggle.
Mining. (Vintage Ugnaughts)