Paint it Brown. (Vintage Dengar, Vintage 4-LOM)
I seem to recall back in 1980 that the vintage Dengar action figures suffered lengthy stays lingering in retail toy aisles. Alongside his brothers the Lobots and the Bespin Security Guards, Dengar was a peg warmer.
First off, nobody knew of him. With his screen time totaling about .08 seconds, one could forgive even an avid fan for not making the positive ID. Second, he wasn’t much to brag about in terms of a ‘look’. Paunchy, drably colored, and armored in an array of junk and soiled linens, Dengar was not exactly giving Boba Fett’s hot appeal much competition.
But decades come and decades crumble, and Dengar’s still here. I’ve come not only to really appreciate him as an adult collector but might even go so far as to say he’s in my Top 10 vintage figures. I mean, just look at that twisted and beautiful face!