Jawas, Night.

Jawas, Night (Vintage Jawas, Saga Treadwell Droid WED-1016)

Jawas, Night (Vintage Jawas, Saga Treadwell Droid WED-1016)

Although the Jawa action figure was among the original 12 released by Kenner in early 1978, it was a few months or more after the initial wave that he (along with the dynamite ‘Sandpeople’ figure) showed up on my local toy shelves. I can still remember my happy surprise to find that Kenner wasn’t finished making new Star Wars toys! Time would show of course that they were really just getting started.

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Uncut, Scene 194.

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 194. (Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Greedo)

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 194. (Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Greedo)

With Scene 194 in the can, the micro-trilogy of my Star Wars Uncut scenes is now complete! Han Solo and Greedo hammer it out right here. Unlike Scene 18 and Scene 323, this one didn’t have a lot of motion to conquer. Just two dudes talking. So I found myself with time and energy to add some extra flavor by way of a guest appearance as well as a more tricked-out sound design than the previous efforts.

[ If you like what you see don’t be shy about giving the videos a “like” tag on the Vimeo page. Inclusion in the Star Wars Uncut project is vote-based, so the more “likes” I have on each video, the better chance they’ll make it into the final cut. Thanks, and enjoy! ]

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Uncut, Scene 323.

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 323. (Vintage Stormtroopers, Saga Stormtroopers, Vintage C-3PO, Vintage R2-D2)

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 323. (Vintage Stormtroopers, Saga Stormtroopers, Vintage C-3PO, Vintage R2-D2)

Ready to roll on stop motion animating scene 323 for the Star Wars Uncut project. This one looks to be tougher than the first. And I’ll be straight up with you, that one was a bitch.

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Leia Shot First.

Leia Shot First. (Star Wars Uncut Scene 018, frame 131 ~ Vintage Princess Leia)

Leia Shot First. (Star Wars Uncut Scene 018, frame 131 ~ Vintage Princess Leia)

OK, I guess announcing a hiatus was premature since I find myself compelled to post cool frames from my stop motion animations. This one’s from the completed Scene 018.

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Uncut, Scene 18.

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 18. (Saga Stormtroopers, Vintage Stormtroopers)

Star Wars Uncut, Scene 18. (Saga Stormtroopers, Vintage Stormtroopers)

A glimpse of the set I’ve put together for the first of three scenes I’ll be filming for the Star Wars Uncut Project. Going with stop-motion animation. Only one day into it and already I can see that I’m in for a daunting, rewarding, and educational experience. Huge thanks to Whit at DBSW for his help and inspiration. Because this will take up every last lick of my free time for the next 10 days, and because I’m taking some vacation, and because we’re moving on September 1… this blog is going on hiatus until early September. Mata yo tomodachi!

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Nikto & Weequay.

Nikto & Weequay. (Vintage Nikto, Vintage Weequay)

Nikto & Weequay. (Vintage Nikto, Vintage Weequay)

Or, alternately titled “Bad Cop, Worse Cop”.

Despite being straight-up ugly to the core, these two Jabba the Hutt cronies rate all high marks in my book. Great details. Sophisticated color palates. And they both tote that groovy vibro axe thingy (which, although not proven, is likely the coolest weapon in the vintage line). Also Weequay has the rare distinction among the vintage figures of possessing the ability to hold his weapon with both hands, not just one. Yeah, pretty rad.

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The Chilling Redux.

The Chilling Revisted. (Vintage Darth Vader, Vintage Imperial Stormtroopers in Hoth Battle Gear)

The Chilling Revisted. (Vintage Darth Vader, Vintage Imperial Stormtroopers in Hoth Battle Gear)

This is a re-shoot of an earlier item where my choice of lighting just didn’t say “Vader”. I think this version delivers the message of cold-blooded ass kicker much more convincingly.

Buying Notes on Vintage Darth Vader

Check out the current vintage Darth Vader listings here.

A nice vintage Darth Vader action figure is pretty much the alpha and omega of any collection. This is true for the beginner and advanced collector alike. A classic toy reaching back to 1978, the vintage Darth Vader has spun countless revisions and imitations but really has never been improved upon.

So I can’t blame you for thinking about picking one up. But because this item is so popular, it can be rough seas acquiring a good (and authentic) example for a reasonable price. Let’s go over some of the main points to consider before pulling the trigger on a vintage Darth Vader.

Once you’re on board at eBay the first thing you’ll notice is that the key words “Darth Vader” are used and abused ad nauseum to get your attention to buy other stuff. Don’t be discouraged and whatever you do don’t be distracted or tricked into buying something else. Your eyes will quickly learn to ignore all of the nonsense and aim strictly for the vintage gold. The links I’ve provided already do it to some extent, but you may also want to play around with the search engine’s advanced function on eBay to filter out the unhelpful stuff. Be especially aware of the new Hasbro toys labelled as “Vintage Collection”, “Original Trilogy”, etc. Their packaging is cleverly retro and aims to steer the newcomer off course.

Important to keep in mind with the vintage Darth Vader is that you’ve got two accessories to contend with: the vinyl cape and the light saber. Both were easily lost and/or damaged by their original owners so it’s common to see reproductions in the marketplace being passed off as original. There are excellent resources to read through at the Imperial Gunnery forum that will help you avoid pitfalls. Read them carefully. Go here for the light saber and here for the cape. This is also a good time to correlate a seller’s claims of authenticity with their feedback score. Have they sold a ton of toys? Do they score 100% with their buyers? If not, you can think twice about believing their claims. Don’t forget to double check the photos closely. Does the cape look torn anywhere? Do the arm-holes look distressed or sharp? How about that saber tip. Does it look straight and strong or does it like a toddler might have chomped on it for a snack once or twice?

As much as any other vintage figure, Darth Vader was a character that saw heavy play at the hands of us grubby kids in the 70s and 80s. If it’s not mentioned in the auction be sure to ask the seller in a message if the figure’s limbs and head are loose or stiff. Let the loose limbed Vaders go to the diorama builders. You want the guy that’s as close to package fresh as possible. The vintage Darth Vader had very little paint applied by Kenner so not much to worry about there. And chances are if you’re buying a figure with loose limbs there won’t be paint loss.

Feel free to add any thoughts in the comments and drop me a line if you run into any trouble!

Check out the current Darth Vader listings here.

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IG-88.  (Vintage Death Squad Commander, Vinage Imperial Commander, Vintage IG-88)

IG-88. (Vintage Death Squad Commander, Vinage Imperial Commander, Vintage IG-88)

As a wee lad I wasn’t all that hot for the IG-88 figure. His rail-thin body, buoy-shaped head, and little pincer hands didn’t add up to a whole lot for me. But these days I’m kind of dumbfounded at how amazing this guy is. First, the detail of the sculpt is totally excellent. (Be warned though, there are two different sculpts for the vintage IG-88. One has a lot of fine detail and is easily recognized by hollow eye sockets. The other has fairly poor detail and has filled-in eye sockets. The one shown above is the more detailed version.) Second, I’m pretty sure that the IG-88 figure marked the first time Kenner experimented with using plastic mixed with a trace of metallic. To great effect. The sculpt is a really convincing dark matte silver that looks awesome when lit. And last, who could possibly argue with a second weapon? Two fists of firepower fury, IG-88 clears the room every time!

IG-88 Buying Notes

Check out the current listings here.

Happily, picking up a loose IG-88 is a snap thanks to eBay. On any given day there’s several dozen to choose from either in an auction or with a Buy It Now button. Let me offer a few tips though to make sure you’ve got your bases covered.

First of all, IG-88 comes with two guns not one. One is the standard-issue Stormtrooper rifle, and the other is a long-barreled sniper type affair with one handle (not two like the vintage Snowtrooper). See this if you’re unsure. As mentioned above, the vintage IG-88 came in two different colors of plastic molds. One color is a light grey plastic and the other is very similar but with a metallic sparkle mixed in with the plastic. The metallic I think is a nicer look so I’d recommend aiming for that one first. It’s rare that IG-88 saw a lot of aggressive play by kids in the ’80s, so you almost never have to worry about loose limbs. Just to be on the safe side, drop a note to the seller to inquire. You don’t want a figure that can’t stand or hold up his rifle!

How much should you expect to pay? Luckily large supply and cool demand is still where we’re at with vintage IG. I’d say you could have him delivered for well under $10. Just be patient and you’re bound to find a killer deal. As always, be careful not to buy anything that’s labeled ‘vintage collection’ or ‘original trilogy’. These are remakes from the past 10 years and they will seriously disappoint anyone with a pining for that good ol’ Kenner goodness. Best of luck and drop me a line if you get stuck.

Check out the current listings here.

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