Exit the Falcon.
(Vintage Princess Leia Organa, Vintage Luke Skywalker, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
Exit the Falcon.
(Vintage Princess Leia Organa, Vintage Luke Skywalker, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
Rebels on Ice.
(Vintage Snowspeeder, Vintage Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot,
Vintage R2-D2, Vintage Han Solo (in Hoth Battle Gear))
The vintage Snowspeeder easily makes it among my top three vehicles that Kenner made for its 1977-1985 vintage line of Star Wars toys.
The Snowspeeder picks up points over it’s hottest competition (Millennium Falcon and the X-Wing Fighter) in its winning light & sound action. When you press the secret button beneath the Snowspeeder’s chassis, the long front cannons pulse with what appears to be moving light bursts, advancing from base to tip. And the accompanying sound is spot on with its own gyrating rhythm.
It’s a charming truth that the instructions included with the long-ago Kenner Star Wars toys boasted in large, bold, all-caps type this motto: WE REALLY DO CARE. And you know something? Judging by their Snowspeeder’s awesome design and construction, I really believe they did.
Check out the current vintage Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot listings here.
Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot was a toy sold by Kenner from 1978 to about 1985. So there were (and still are) great numbers in circulation, and a fair number of these are still in excellent shape. But keep a few things in mind when tracking one down on eBay.
The Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot action figure probably had more paint applied to it in the production process than any other vintage Star Wars action figure. Face color, facial features, helmet details, vest, chest panel, hands, leg straps, boots. The guy has paint details everywhere. Be sure to see plenty of photos showing that the paint all looks good.
This was an action figure in the true sense of the word. Luke Skwyalker X-Wing Pilot was played with extensively by little kids in the 70s and 80s. If the seller hasn’t already declared that the joints are tight in the auction description, you definitely want to ask before bidding.
Lastly, the figure’s weapon is the Han Solo pistol type of Kenner blaster. Don’t forget: repro accessories suck. Make certain that it’s authentic if possible. You can check out the Imperial Gunnery for some excellent reference on the topic.
Feel free to add any more thoughts on this in the comments section and drop me a line if you get into trouble!
Check out the current vintage Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot listings here.
The Snow Patrol.
(Vintage Han Solo (Hoth Battle Gear), Vintage Tauntauns, Vintage Luke Skywalker (Hoth Battle Gear))
Empire Strikes Back toys are always quick to creep up on my photo radar. They were the last toys that I really collected and played with as a kid back in the early ’80s.
What was the last bunch of toys you collected before rock ‘n roll and boys/girls took over?
Leia's Midnight Ride.
(Vintage Luke Skywalker in Battle Poncho, Vintage Princess Leia in Combat Poncho, Vintage Han Solo in Trench Coat, Vintage Paploo, Vintage Wicket W. Warrick, Vintage Speeder Bike))
This marks the first time I’ve photographed the vintage Speeder Bike.
As toys go it’s a fairly genius design that features a tension bar for holding the action figure’s legs into place, steering flaps on the rear that articulate in conjunction with the bottom struts, and of course the best – a secret button that explodes the whole shebang.
Those Biker Scouts never see it coming!
If It's a Fast Ship.
(Vintage Millennium Falcon, Vintage Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Vintage Luke Skywalker,
Vintage Chewbacca, Vintage Han Solo)
2-1B. (Vintage 2-1B, Vintage Han Solo Hoth Battle Gear, Vintage Rebel Commander)
This Way Out Redux.
(Vintage Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Chewbacca,
Vintage Millennium Falcon)
This is a much-stewed-over rethink of a recent underachiever. Happy to finally have it off my chest and onto yours. Enjoy!
This Way Out. (Vintage Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise,
Vintage Chewbacca, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
I’ve been itching to see a Millennium Falcon on these pages for quite a while. Now I’ll be the first to admit this shot doesn’t do the old scrap heap justice, but it’s definitely a start. Or if not a start, at least a hint as to where this might go from here.
So we chalk it up to research, and next time I vow to present something that shows a bit more… shall we say… commitment.
Okay, cheating a bit. This one’s an outtake from the archived Koona Chuta, Solo? sessions hammered out last January.