Exit the Falcon.
(Vintage Princess Leia Organa, Vintage Luke Skywalker, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
Exit the Falcon.
(Vintage Princess Leia Organa, Vintage Luke Skywalker, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
HAPPY THIRTY FIVE YEARS STAR WARS! You’ve managed to keep me fueled with awe, inspiration, and the joys of youth well beyond what you, I, or anyone could’ve expected. Incredible that here in 2012 I find myself handing you down to my children. I expect that they will do the same for their children one day as well. Thanks for all the memories. Keep the fire burning.
(This shot’s one I’ve been thinking about for a while. Finally had time to put it all together today. A lot like the Hoth scene I did a while back, this is not one photo but several. Consider it my small tribute to the spectacular effects compositing that made the original Star Wars trilogy so exciting so long ago.)
If It's a Fast Ship.
(Vintage Millennium Falcon, Vintage Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi, Vintage Luke Skywalker,
Vintage Chewbacca, Vintage Han Solo)
This Way Out Redux.
(Vintage Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Chewbacca,
Vintage Millennium Falcon)
This is a much-stewed-over rethink of a recent underachiever. Happy to finally have it off my chest and onto yours. Enjoy!
Dead Aim Skywalker. (Vintage Millennium Falcon, Vintage Luke Skywalker)
This Way Out. (Vintage Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper Disguise,
Vintage Chewbacca, Vintage Han Solo, Vintage Millennium Falcon)
I’ve been itching to see a Millennium Falcon on these pages for quite a while. Now I’ll be the first to admit this shot doesn’t do the old scrap heap justice, but it’s definitely a start. Or if not a start, at least a hint as to where this might go from here.
So we chalk it up to research, and next time I vow to present something that shows a bit more… shall we say… commitment.