Shoot Out The Lights.

Lighting arrangement for Panic on Ice, from October of 2010.

Lighting arrangement for Panic on Ice, from October of 2010.

Lighting arrangement for Deep Ties to the Empire, from September of 2011.

Lighting arrangement for Deep Ties to the Empire, from September of 2011.

Lighting The End, from August 2012.

Lighting The End, from August 2012.

Lighting Wreck of the X-34, from October 2010.

Lighting Wreck of the X-34, from October 2010.

Lighting Rebel Forces FTW, from June 2011.

Lighting Rebel Forces FTW, from June 2011.

Lighting I, Mandalorian, from July 2010.

Lighting I, Mandalorian, from July 2010.


Lighting The Trouble Below, from August 2012.

I received a very nice note this morning from a new admirer wondering if I could share any ‘making-of’ photos. As it turns out I don’t have very many shots like this. Despite publishing over 200 photos on this blog in the past few years I only have a grand total of 7 making-of shots. And now you’re looking at them. I’ll definitely try to be better about it going forward and maybe do this type of post with some regularity.

(Pssst. Heads up! The annual contest is coming up in January. I expect awesome work out of all of you!)


  1. Thank you. Very inspiring. I wonder where Will i found such Little lights

    Nicolas Filiol
    06 09 84 72 71
    Envoyé de mon iPhone

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